Hamarits Zsolt: Flash Motel - Exhibition opening: Zsolt Hamarits - Flash Motel
Hamarits Zsolt lírai, szépen komponált és harmónikus képeit, amit Révfülöpön egy elhagyott, romos szállodában fotózott, a Galéria IX-ben lehet megtekinteni, 2016. január 14-ig.
Zsolt's lyrical, carefully composed and nicely balanced pictures of an abandoned hotel in Revfulop can be seen in Galeria IX, 47 Raday st, until the 14th January, 2016.
Zsolt who runs a photo studio in Budapest, takes some art projects in his spare time @Edit Garai |
Gyorgy Toth, famous for his nude photography was at the opening as well @Edit Garai |
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