Cégbrosúra fotózás - Shooting for a brochure at an electrical company

This job was for my German client who makes brochures for different companies. This time we went to an electrical company called Elektro Profi. The job itself is quite complex: you need to make portraits, interiors, products, workflow and other photos. Actually, I really like this type of photography as well, altough the result can't compete visually with a fashion shot but I like to get an overview about a company and how it works. The funny thing was in this shooting that the people in the assembler area did not really want to be on the pictures and as their boss didn't care, so they could get away. Luckily there were 3 guys who corporated so we could make the photos. I have never met this kind of attitude during a company shot. Here are some pages of the brochures.


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