Karácsonyi jótékonykodás - Xmas charity shooting
A 2015-ös év utolsó fotózása egy jótékonysági projekt volt: Rita, a belvárosi Gardrob üzlet tulajdonosa jótékonysági vásárt tartott és az ebből befolyt összegből személyre szóló ajándékokat vásárolt a karancskeszii óvodásoknak, akik hátrányos helyzetű családokból kerülnek ki. Izgalmas nap volt, megható és örömteli pillanatokkal. Ugyanakkor azt is megtudtuk, hogy a legnehezebb sorsú gyerekek nem lehettek jelen, mert otthon nincs fűtés, víz, így állandóan betegek. Az ajándékot így is megkapták, az óvónénik vagy a helyi önkormányzati képviselő viszi el nekik. Több óvónéni sírva fakadt, látván a gyerekek örömét.
The last shooting in 2015 was a charity one: we traveled to a kindergarden in a small village with Rita, the owner of Gardrob shop in downtown of Budapest. She had a charity fair in December and decided to fulfill these children's christmas wish as they very often don't get anything as a present.
Karancskeszi is a small village in the north of Hungary where unemployment is quite high. The ones who have job and can afford take there children to the kindergarden in the nearby bigger village and the rest stays there. It is not common that the children there can get anything for christmas from anybody.
The last shooting in 2015 was a charity one: we traveled to a kindergarden in a small village with Rita, the owner of Gardrob shop in downtown of Budapest. She had a charity fair in December and decided to fulfill these children's christmas wish as they very often don't get anything as a present.
Karancskeszi is a small village in the north of Hungary where unemployment is quite high. The ones who have job and can afford take there children to the kindergarden in the nearby bigger village and the rest stays there. It is not common that the children there can get anything for christmas from anybody.
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